This is one of those mods that seem to cause a lot of polarity in opinions. Ya' got the "Not worth the money!" side and the "Don't build a race engine without 'em!" crew.

My justification for having my 452 block bushed was because a wiped cam incident resulted in so much junk getting 'tween the lifters and the bores that the bores were scored. In this case, it was done to "fix" the lifter bores during the subsequent rebuild.

My 451 block does not have bushed bores, partly because I don't know that it needs 'em and partly because there aren't any local shops to my knowledge that are equipped to even do the job. If it had already been done as part of those CNC'd block prep jobs, great. But having it done now as another expense during a regular freshen-up job seems harder to justify, at least IMO.