
ok guy's im really gonna make your heart stop with this one. the rods are the extra heavy sixpack rods lol and im not turning more than 6000 to6200 thatsit. just tryn to get back racing rather cheap and like i said the machine work is not costing a thing. i made a trade deal for work. if i can get away with removng the stock piston's and putn those on with out re balance i will do that.

Have the pistons floated to the pins, have the rotating assembly balanced and it should last a long time.
I ran this cheap 446 combo for 5 years with some home ported 516 heads, it ran a best of 10.80 in a 3400# Duster.
It would still be together but my friend bought the engine and put some better heads on it but he overtorqued the studs and pulled the threads in the block.