Had a great time at Chrysler Challenge race at Larue, despite extreme heat. Entered the Dart in Box and No Box. No box was 1/4 mile and box was 1/8th. The 904 performed flawlessly today and carried me to the finals in Box where I lost a close one 6.116 on a 6.11 to a 5.686 on a 5.68 my light was a miserable .041 to his .037. That was my worst light of the day in box by more than .017. I also made it down to 6 cars in No box on my first outing with the terminator button. Lights were consistently in the .014 to .025 range until I dropped the ball against Jack Moore. Must say I appreciate the fact that round money was not adjusted from advertised despite the lower overall car count. I came home with $600 for my efforts today. Just enought to convince me to go to bottom bulb extravanganza at Pacemakers tomorrow.

Thanks Jeff Johnson for keeping your word on payouts and delivering a well organized show despite the many challenging variables. I personally look forward to what the schedule looks like next season.