i'v got a xr2 being done by ryan a2 shady dell right now, check with him i'm sure he'd be glaid to help you in any way possible,my's a 397cu., with a SLM special crankshaft, it's almost as cheep this way as to buy a used one & have it reground to your specs, steve @ SLM is real nice to deal with on his stofe, i think ryan would seend you a photo of my xr2 & cam if youd ask, ryan said that my crank & rods would be the weekested parts of my lower end,using a king billet crank @ 37lbs. & 6.08 carroll rods with 1.85 pin ends, got some extra pistons if i can help,if i can help you give me a call any afternoon @618-806-1564 & ask for tiny,done a lott of checking on this combitation,looking to make some where between 980 & 1050 hp na,single carb