
Along with bag and tag, create lists.
As you remove items, clean and determine if cleaning or replacement is needed. Create lists of parts you need. There will always be small items you forget were missing/broken and these are what can bring you to a halt when assembling.
Read other's builds and make a list of suppliers, both good and bad.
Also understand that a car apart will take up a HUGE amount of space and you will want to be able to keep track of it all.

Bag & Tag: My car is 99% disassembled, and there are over 4,000 parts. These reside in over 300 Ziploc bags and over 50 large boxes that pretty much fill up a medium sized bedroom. Each bag has a 3x5 card with a list and sometimes sketches. Wheels, trunk, hood, fenders and doors are hung on my garage wall.

By means of bag/box numbering and a spread sheet, I can find any of the 4,000 parts quickly. Also, the spread sheet lets me sort items by similar restoration processes and finishes, like dip paint, bare metal, body paint color, chrome plated steel, chrome plated pot metal, etc.

A digital camera capable of closeups is a must.