It was sooo cool to be asked to play with Chuck, Paul, Stan, Randy and the crew!

First off, it was FUN!!! Just to meet and hang out the entire day with some GREAT people. Even the Video crew was cool.

Chuck is a first class guy all the way. He is so professional in every way. I think the show was fantastic! The 1hr goes by like a ¼ mile.

Paul is the King of knowledge. I don’t know if he knows how much he knows, but man, he knows it all! He also is just fun to be around and hear him talk about cars even when not on camera.

Stan (the producer) is like meeting someone that you have known for years. He has the best job because he gets to meet and talk to everyone. This takes lots of time, but you can tell he loves it.

Randy is always cool. Every time I see him, he comes up to me to say, “Hey you ya doing”?

Thanks again so much!