

I set the timing on my 67 HEMI using the vacuum gage method (max vacuum - 1 inch) and ended up with 25 degrees initial and 40 degrees total. The total timing seems a little advanced to me. Thoughts???

Yes you set the initial properly but the total (initial+ slots & vac adv disconnected/plugged) cannot be finalized until you have the initial # in hand which means you need to shorten the slots and the tried & true totals that MP lists (35-sb 36-38-bb /6-32) are surprisingly dead on and you then play w the springs to adj the curve then plug in/adj the vac can. Not sure what it is for a Hemi as I never have owned one, have never worked one one and probably wont (in this lifetime) but I know it's not 40

I went that rout on my '68 Hemi maybe 15 years ago because when I rebuilt the motor the dist. timing was stuck around 50 degrees total. After checking everything, I soldered and filed the weight slots to get the timing back down plus played with the springs but then the car started hard and didn't idle. I took the the distributor back apart and cleaned out all the solder. When I started the car up the timing was right on...
To day I haven't figured that one out.
I put a Pertronix in it shortly after and it helped clean up the idle plus no more points to keep up on.