I too had the same issue of following his videos, BUT there is more info in his videos than what you can extract from reading technical journals. He likes to extract power with the least amount of $. His knowledge is right in line with the other icon of his day like, Crane, Isky, etc.I know that he explains that throwing $ at everything is not the best of solutions but rather finding a good machine shop is a better investment. Try watching is videos again. If you will adjust you personal timing to the timing of his presentation, I believe there is plenty of help. I'm waiting to see what he will do with the new 318 build. He has volunteer heads so that he can cut them apart and find the flow.. I have a 318 powered stocker and hope to find some additional legal HP. His knowledge is far superior than most.

Last edited by A/MP; 12/08/22 08:07 AM. Reason: typ[o