I think you need to smooth that curve out more. I'm not sure how well you can smooth things with the handheld but with the laptop you can select an area with the mouse and then smooth it out. I wouldn't run a curve like that in an engine since the timing is jumping 3 degrees in 50 rpm. I think that would be hard on the engine to have the timing jump around like that although the load is light in that area so it might not matter too much.
That's what we did on my sons. He takes the chip card out of the hand held and puts it in the lab top. Then we smooth out the timing curve. Course we have worked with it some to get it where we like it but that's the cool thing about it is that once you start learning how much you can do with that setup you will find you can do a lot to make it run great. My sons 400 in his Dart is running real good but he is always trimming a bit here or there to see if the car likes it better and fine tuning it to work great. Good luck with yours , Ron