I sent a USB drive with all the restoration pictures, history, decode, etc. to Mecum with the car, so that the new owner would have that stuff.
There's a couple things I forgot to put on the USB drive, so I'm going to post them here, in hopes that the new owner finds them.
Maybe the rest of you will enjoy seeing them also.
This first one is how the pictures are organized on the USB drive.
This one's probably not very interesting to most of you, but if you're looking for suggestions on how to keep your restoration photos in chronological order, here's one idea.
Here's a nice Mopar suspension article I wrote, which uses 1970 B body suspension as several of the examples because I was building this car when I wrote the article.
https://forum.e-bodies.org/wheels-t...ke-your-car-handle-corners-better/28289/ Here's the details for the suspension on this 1970 Road Runner.
The car was completely disassembled for restoration, so based on the known weights of other 1970 Plymouth B bodies, I guessed the 1970 383 Road Runner weight at...
Front 2094 54% Front Wheel Bias
Rear 1783 46%
Total 3877 100%
Rear Suspension
Leaf Springs custom built by Firm Feel Inc to my specifications
Spring Rate 160
Motion Ratio
15 x 7 Rallye wheels on a 1970 B Body, is...
8 Overall Wheel Width ÷ 2 = 4 Wheel Centerline.
4 Wheel Centerline – 4.25 Back Spacing = -.25 Wheel Offset
(-.25 Wheel Offset x 2 = -.5 total offset for both wheels) + 60.125 Brake Drum to Brake Drum Width = 59.625 Track Width.
44 Leaf Spring Perch Width ÷ 59.625 Track Width = .738 Leaf Spring Motion Ratio
For every inch that the rear wheel moves up or down, the leaf spring will move .738 of an inch.
Rear Wheel Rate
The formula for wheel rate is (Motion Ratio x Motion Ratio) x Spring Rate = Wheel Rate (per wheel)
(.738 Motion Ratio x .738 Motion Ratio = .544644) x 160 Spring Rate = 87.14 Rear Wheel Rate
No Rear Sway Bar
Rear Roll Couple
(87.14 Rear Wheel Rate x 2 = 174.28) + 0 Rear Sway Bar = 174.28 Rear Roll Couple
Front Suspension
Firm Feel 1-1/8 diameter Front Sway Bar = 1.125 diameter
((1.125 diameter x 1.125 diameter x 1.125 diameter x 1.125 diameter = 1.6018066) x 500,000 = 800,903.3) ÷ ((10.125 dimension A x 10.125 dimension A x 10.125 dimension A x .2264 = 234.99654) + (8 dimension C x 8 dimension C x 27 dimension B x .4244 = 733.3632) = 968.35974) = 827.07207 Sway Bar Rate
Motion Ratio
6.4375 lower control arm pivot to sway bar mount ÷ 12.28125 lower control arm pivot to ball joint = .524173 Front Sway Bar Motion Ratio
Front Sway Bar Wheel Rate
.524173 motion ratio x .524173 motion ratio x 827.07207 Sway Bar Rate = 227.24 Front Sway Bar Wheel Rate
Firm Feel B & E body torsion bars
1.00 diameter 187.2 pounds per inch wheel rate
Front Roll Couple
(187.2 wheel rate x 2 = 374.4) + 227.24 front sway bar wheel rate = 601.64 Front Roll Couple
601.64 front roll couple ÷ (601.64 front + 174.28 rear = 775.92 total roll couple) = 77.5% of the total roll couple is at the front
In addition to the spring selection mentioned above, the car has...
Bilstein shocks
All of the Hemi Suspension chassis reinforcements (Resto Rick)
Lower Radiator Support reinforcement (XV Engineering)
Lower Control Arm Plates (Firm Feel)
Firm Feel Tubular Upper Control Arms for more positive caster, with a performance handling alignment
Firm Feel Stage 3 Power Steering Box
Sector Support Reinforcement
Roller Bearing Idler Arm
Power Disc Brakes with 11.75 inch diameter rotors
The car is built for someone who wants to have fun in the corners while cruising with a 4 Speed Pistol Grip and a pop up Air Grabber hood scoop.
Drive it