Andy's story should bear a little weight. This is a dyno mule. Probably NEVER mistreated, run lean, had the snot beat out of it, or anything else. But it made a good bit of power and even with it's relatively easy life, it beat the webs out...............Make power, they break eventually. It's really that simple. EVERYTHING breaks eventually, it just depends on what life span you expect............We beat the main webs completely out of a $6000 Donovan alum block after 5 years. But it had no telling how many passes, pushing 2000hp through it.
I have always been a proponent of the aluminum cap method, as well as alum rods and a light rotating assy. Not because it "fixes" anything, but because I think this is the cheapest and most effective "bandaid" for the situation. I think the alum caps absorb some of the beating, as well as the rods. You also have lower initial cost investment and machining vs girdles, pro-gram caps, or about anything else. So as we have pretty much covered, NOTHING is going to "fix" the problem, so choose the method you think is the best and that you are willing to pay for.........but you also need to accept the fact that whatever method you choose, it will likely fail at some point
Last edited by Monte_Smith; 09/09/15 01:28 PM.