[quote whith the "long" 3.23's, that 8" converter works the tranny.

I cant agree with you on that. A quality 8 inch "tight" converter will "work" the tranny less than a "loose" 10 inch.

I havent had any issues with the 8.....tranny fluid never looks or smells burnt... I do have a good cooler though.

BTW, I wasnt suggesting a 8 for the OP(not that it would be bad idea), only giving my experience to RR.

To the OP, sorry for the hijack!!!

72 RR, Pump gas 440, 452s, 3800 lbs, Corked, ET Radials,. 11.33@117.72. Same car, bone stock 346s, 9.5 comp, baby solid. 12.24@110.