Haven't tried these myself, but might help. They're not the correct color or height, but might work for daily drivers if you have the hood clearance. Please verify the sizes before you order them and find they won't work for your application. Some are listed as round Air Filters, but have been told you can manipulate them to form your oval housings. ( Again, not sure myself.)

K&N-2866 2.5" tall-(didn't sound right when I checked in K&N book)
K&N-1963 1" taller then factory
K&N-1960 2" taller then factory

If you check these out and find 1 works and others don't let us know either way. Lots of us out here looking for answers.

I too have modified a Baldwin PA632 filter. It was cheap to test, (under $15) and I like the white/black color of it. I have lots of photos of it when I modified it, so if you need, send me a E-mail addy offline, and will send them to you all. They are large photos, so I wont post them here.

6635676-100_0937.JPG (68 downloads)

A True Hybrid: Burns Gas AND Rubber!