
I'm trying to remember from when I had my '71 Newport from 10 yrs ago, I *think* '73 doors are when they started the crash beam. I had a post car too, and, back then, I found post cars more often then not.

For all that effort to rip apart sheet metal (and thick sheet metal at that), you'd think they would have just smashed the window.

We are not talking intelligent beings here. The fact that the guy knows i'll know who did it, knows i have a key to his house, should tell you something. I'd probably prefer the buggered door though... i know how long these things can take to resolve, and i live in the rainiest place on Earth.

I wish i had a local source for a door, and a price for all THREE locks and the locksmith (cause i'm not lifting a finger here)... There might be a whole room full ov CHEAP electronics for sale pretty quickly around here....