when all is said and done it's simple economics, supply and demand. that's why you can get parts for a small block chevy at the grocery store. i'm no expert but cost aside probably the biggest choke point in the mopar design is the bore spacing. at this level when it comes to brand recognition you're really stretching it imho.

as far as parts costs there are fewer people willing to step up and spend big money on chrysler parts so why would any reasonable businessman get involved in the design and manufacturing of something he can't make a good (or any) profit on? exactly how many predator engines do you think are in the whole country? i bet there's more bb chevys in most individual states that predator engines in the whole country. if you want to say you run a chrysler then spend the money, otherwise you need to go to chevy or i guess even ford now days.

i've seen people argue that at higher levels it costs the same regardless of manufacture and that's just not so plain and simple. $ per HP the chrysler is going to cost more.