Well, well. So, I am not the only one to have discovered this problem and posted about it. My solution was to use a washer. I had the slicks off and measured the length of the screw on the inside of the rim. Measured the thickness of the bead on my slicks. Found the correct size washer and it has worked well. I tried grinding and filing the screw (didnt work well). bought 5/8 screws but ended up being too short. stripped out my screw holes and had to drill new ones. All trial and error for me. However, bigger slicks have a thicker bead. I found that mickey thompson 29.5 13.5w had a 3/4 inch bead as apposed to the half inch my M&H and Hoosier 29/12/15's had. If the bead is only half inch a typical rim screw will pass through the bead (depending on angle of screw of course).

Use a thin washer with a 3/4 screw! Make sure the washer O.D. is the same as the head of the screw O.D.

Almost forgot, depends on the thickness of your wheel (bead area)too. I have Centerline Warriors. They are a bit thin compared to some others.

When I initially had this problem and inquired about it, everyone at the track responded with the deer in the headlights look!


Last edited by Plumcrazyracing; 04/20/11 02:54 PM.