Well two seperate times at the top of first gear my tires were spinning...That should not happen especially with a car that makes the power mine does. The semi final I tried my dardest to take out the wall at the 1000' mark when the car made a hard left turn, cost me the race as I had to lift being only a couple feet from the wall. In the semi's of Q16 three of the four cars did not get down the track, the only one that did was my opponent in a dragster. After the second semi when the AMX got crazy out of shape and almost hit the wall in the same lane I was in they decided to check the track. So draw your own conclusion. I should a few folks my RPM captures from a coupld of runs and we had some issues.

I was very dissapointed in the track to say the least. Can't say I was alone in those feelings. I am sure it was just the way my car is set up. We are not set up to run the car all out and it shows. I do it once a year at this event. I think this may be the last time I do however. If this is the way the track is gonna be then I am not interested. I know sometimes you have to race the track but just not interested in doing it at a once a year race. Although with the way the track was if I had the stop on it may have been uglier when I came off the stop. Oh well back to stop racing for me.

Someday maybe I will buy a converter and se what it can really do, three and a half seconds to gain 300 after the shift just dont cut it not to mention how slow it comes up off the line. To say it is tight is a bit of an understatement...

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"