Hey Colin,

Car is coming along but is pretty slow. I didn't really post anything on the board but I have an infant who has been very sick over the last few months. She stopped eating or drinking several months ago and after many tests the Dr's still don't know why. After a hospital stint, she came home with a feeding tube and we have to feed her through that which is very time consuming. Otherwise, she is healthy and happy and you can't tell anything is wrong with her except she refuses to eat. I'm sure they will find an answer or she will grow out of it but it will be a while.

Lately, I am able to put in a few hrs. of work on the car during the week so it's moving again.

Thanks for the drawing. I have the bottom one in my reference file (forgot about it) but did not have the dash one. I usually search but forgot to this time. Thanks again for the help.
