For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would bad mouth any of the new repo stuff. I have talked to BE&A, I have checked all there advertising, there web site, so on. I can't find anywhere where it says " Exact reproduction seat belts" If you need exact, then go elsewhere and get it. If you need or want the stuff BE&A sells, call them and order it. THE END!

I for one with allot of other people am still amazed at what has happened in the last few years. ( Think About It)

New Fenders, Quarters, floors, trunks,roofs,hoods and of coarse all the stuff PG classics, BE&A, Tonys parts and others have brought out.

(Two door rear wheel drive stick cars we all cried for.)

I applaud all of you and others that have invested your time and money to bring out these much needed parts.

There is still the market for the polised spit shined original stuff, but there is a market for this stuff also.
Why can't some people just leave it the way it is and just let us ALL in joy are cars.

Quit being so #%&*@ negative!!

It worries me sometimes that a few idiots will somehow discurage some of these companys and we will be back to the way it was 5-10 years ago with nothing.

Maybe one of you negative, bad mouthing companys or people, could pony up some cash and help get the stuff made to your expectations instead of blabing about it all the time.