

I have witnessed in wrecking yards AND owned several 73 and later A bodies with 9 inch front drum brakes, small upper ball joint control arms and small bolt pattern. Some contend that they dont exist. I say that if the factory didnt build the cars this way, then several cars that I have seen were DOWNgraded by someone afterwards. Why would so many people switch to SMALLER front brakes? Highly unlikely.

pppsssstttt ... Did you miss this before you flew off the handle as the DEFINITIVE source ???


There were likely some 73 cars that got what was left behind of the SBP, SBJ set ups. I had one as well.

He didn't say never say never. I can see this being the case with the 9" drum/SBP cars , why make a new spindle for the bigger joint , not that many cars had that brake setup so just use up whatever they had for stock, I'm sure when it was down to a certian level , must have some replacement stock on hand to service cars on the road , no more 9" brake cars with SBP were built.

John, this is the best way to handle this situation!


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