

We no longer have a choice anymore. Chinese junk or commercial stuff too expensive for an individual.

We made this bed we're in...
As far as not affording it... It fell over twice? My insurance deductable on the car, and my medical, would eat up the difference between a cheap one and a solid one. You beat the odds twice. Wait until the third time when an ear breaks off the engine...

Yes, Iknow Ibeat the odds and I'm not thrilled about, but, the insinuation that the cheap route was taken is blatently wrong!
Ihave 2 engineering degrees where Ilearned about cost/benefit ratio INTIMATELY and a $1,000 unit for a hack in his garage doesn't make sense. My wife needs food and a roof over her head. The mid market has vanished leaving us with a choice between crap and super-premium. Look back at all the threads about tools, furniture, etc. The rich have won by elliminating the middle class.