
X 2. in order: initial w vac gauge method, w that figure in hand shorten the slots to get 35 (SB) w vac adv unhooked/plugged. Springs-toss the heavy one w the long loop & start by adding one of the very light ones in the MP cellophane pkg & want to stay just under the pinging point at WOT up thru the gears on your hottest/driest day no matter where (RPM) that makes the slots max out at. then plug in the vac adv & want (A) the most adv coming in (B) as fast as it can (2 adjustments) WO pinging at steady PART throttle (high vacuum) at an RPM at or above where the slots (mech adv) is all in. EDIT it's a BB so 36-38 for total (vac adv capped)

Thanks, I'll play with the timing this weekend and see if it helps. When you say shorten the slots do you mean the slots for the advance in the distributer?

Yes he does.