
I cant believe that more people are not customizing these cars. They are super cool. Everyone puts them back to stock or a Christine clone. They all have their place but dang these mid to late 50's car are something special that are over looked.

Not to offend, but here are your reasons and it is not becasue they are over looked....

1.Super Rare
2.Expensive to buy
3.Hard to find parts for
4.When selling, stock brings in way more money
5.Dripped "cool" from the Show Room...no need

Take a 58 Corvette for instance. They had a unique set of body panels from the factory. Were offered that way for one year. If you ever see one with a bunch of aftermarket modifications you can know to about 99% assurity that the car was a complete wreck when they started or the owner has a lot of money and doesn't care about resell value.

Now, that is painting with a broad brush. You may be a millionaire or poor as Jobe's turkey and just want your car they way you want YOUR car regardless of resell or history. That is fine by me, go for it. But consider this, Check out the Classic cars ads...auto trader, hemnings, etc and see what stock vs. custom will bring price wise. Also ask around the MoPar world and see which one sells faster.

The Devils Advocate in me also says look at a well done custom vs. a stock at the shows and see who gets the most attention? Different reaction to the same cars, just the question is asked from a different direction. So it does even out depending on where you stand on the subject.

The bottom line is do what you want as long as YOU are having fun. Being that we are both MoPar guys I will leave you with this..... The Camaro guys HAVE to customize their cars so they can find it when it's time to go home.

If you don't start it , you don't have to end it.