
yep it really sucked didnt it,,
o well its over with ,
good thing we dont need anything that gives us racers
any money, place to race, tv coverage advertisment,what moorons would do that!! god forbid
thank god its over ,
now we can beet on the nhra ihra
adrl because they dont get it right either
now know they dont know sqaute about drag racing either!
all the tracks need to shut down because they dont know how to run a race track either, and the shop that builds my motor , he need to be run out of town because the motor he built me blew up after
600 runs ,
that just about sums it it i guess,
it was a show, they put on, it was great for the racers,
promoters, the tracks ,
what the hell no use you guys got it figured out !!

For the love of all things holy..............relax dude.
I can just visuallize the spittle coating your screen as you type.
It was a T.V. show ....... and not a very good one in my opinion.
It certainly wasn't the salvation of our sport that you make it out to be.
Would it have lasted as long as it did with out the drama ?
I doubt it.
The focus was making money.
Not racers making money.
Producers making money.
And if they could exploit the developmentally disabled in foot races to cash in , they most certainly would.
Me thinks you need to go put down some laps.
Or a couple dozen cocktails.
Some kind of release from the spell Rich put you under.
Trust me when I tell you...........the world will keep on turning and there will be more races.
Lots more.