
BG MrBob,It would be nice if you are some of the others could write us up a petition that we could print off and take to our local and any other tracks we go to and have the racers sign. You are 100 percent right,as long as we line up and pay its never going to stop.

We can try and jest about it,but it is a Real $$$$$$ Problem.

I doubt that the NHRA will bend to a petition if safety is an issue. It's all about liability and they could be liable if you race with out of spec parts and you get hurt. Their underwriters have a lot to say about what is and isn't acceptable. IMO the NHRA is the best game in town. If you want to play you have to play by their rules. I don't like spending money unnecessarily but I do what they tell me to do as far as safety equipment because I like what they bring. There are other options like has been pointed out a dozen times in this thread.