People are way to anal when it comes to this subject! Have you ever changed your oil and when you fire it up, it sounds like a can of marbles for a few seconds, even after dumping 1/2 a can to prefill the filter before installing it? It's the same thing here, the residual oil is enough to keep things coated till pressure builds.
I have cranked and cranked to prime the carb but by the time it fills to fire, sure you may have oil pressure by then, by why over stress your starter when you don't have to? Just dump some gas down the throat, fire it up and idle till oil pressure builds which should be within 2-5 seconds depending on your build then conduct matters as needed from there. I've been doing it this way for years and I haven't had any problems or premature wear on parts. Very early cars didn't even have oil pumps, they were oiled thru windage and sloshing of oil.