Okay... maybe i'm a bit more distrustful or paranoid when it comes to street racin' than most here... but there is a definite science when it comes to sleepers, and half ov that is psychology. When i'm snoopin' through the lanes for tricks i look for the smaller cars. Age or make/model count for nothing... i'm not a 17 year old idiot in a 'hot' 5.0L, i'm looking for sleepers. ANY G-body can be a sleeper, just like any Fox body can. Anything small. Most other 'paranoid' spotters will agree... so go big. BIG.

Try a C-body. Get the right one and they're not much heavier than a 68-up B. Opt for some creative weight-reduction and you could be lowering that 800HP bomb into a 3500-3700lb car. NO ONE suspects a full size, not hot rod guys, not punks, and certainly not the layman. Full size trucks, vans (if you dare), how ugly do you want to get? Go one further... go for the elite full-size... try an Imperial (or Caddy, Lincoln)... even cars guys that are paranoid and can hear the power would second guess it, or you might just win because they're too busy laughing or spitting out their drinks to shift... A 20ft car that weighed 5200lbs off the lot could still see pretty close to 4000lbs race weight and pass for a 'cruiser' to most (more importantly, who would look...???)... and there are many fast 4000lb cars out there. The only downside... you need a lot ov power to go really fast, but you've got a lot ov engine...

Personally, i dont think an A or B-body 4-dr makes a good sleeper. Anything that shares sheetmetal, especially front clip aesthetics with s musclecar (ie: that 4dr B in the picture) can make a car guy, or even some punk wonder. Likewise the wagons. Wagon race cars are everywhere... its been a cool trend for years and years. You're not fooling anyone. Well... unless its a 71 Fury Suburban or a 69 T&C wagon...

More than anything else, its not the make/model that makes a sleeper, its the concept and probably most ov all, the execution. One ov the most insane sleepers i've ever heard ov was in fact a muscle car... a 66 or 67 Chevelle posted on here a while back.

The best sleeper i've ever seen in person (by FAR) wasn't some ugly old 60's Dart, or a Volare wagon with rust holes, or a K-car... it was a really nice looking 67 fastback Mustang. It looked like a nice cruiser, sounded healthy, though not nasty by any means... your average 350-375HP 351 build through a FM exhaust-healthy. It had small tires, maybe 9" out back and no littles up front, no bar or cage, no scoop... A car your wife would drive...

He got kicked off the track his first run out with a 9.5 second run and a LOT ov MPH...