360view, not laughing at all exp as that was a very good exp. I want to break the 29 MPH that Dave did w his 318 Barracuda & I think the right pri dia/length is pretty important & 1&1/2" pri was suggested though it'd be a custom deal as afaik only the Hooker 1&5/8 supercomps are offered in an equal length and on the 451 65 dart if I go w 3" mandrel it's gonna take an X pipe/Dynamax hemi length super turbo muffs/resonators and a bit of science to keep it quiet enough to suit me and if I cant then some cable operated cutouts which actually now that I think about it is a far better way to go as when I'm ready to take someones money I can pull 2 cables & be ready and have peace and quiet the rest of the time plus the quietness will not scare them and make them more disposed to wager a higher amt .

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth