Like the White with poultry or seafood , it sounds like a nice choice.
Some guys will tell you " beer " , and they wouldn't be wrong.
Solid rollers require a little more scrutiny than a hydraulic flat tappet cam , but like everything else in life , you get what you pay for.
If you want a " put it away wet " street car , I wouldn't recommend going down this road.
If you don't mind running the valves a couple times a year and require enhanced performance , then it is a natural choice.
They will require more money up front and on the back side , as they will be harder on springs and the lifters will require more frequent rebuilding / replacement.
But I have had solid cams that liked frequent spring changes.
Complimentary parts help here.
I had a 429 S.C.J. with that heavy intake valve and nothing lightweight but the Harland Sharp's to open them...........springs every season , and they would let me know when they were on the way south by acting like a rev limiter when they got weak.
Lots of solid rollers on the streets these days.........but not many being run by the lazy or weak.