Alternators WILL PUT OUT well over 100 volts.

Years ago, one could buy a real POS--a little switchbox that you wired into your vehicle. THE ONLY thing that these were, was a box, an outlet, and a toggle switch. The toggle switch did two things--when you wanted "110 volts" --and this is DC, by the way, not AC, the toggle would switch the output of the alternator to the outlet mounted on the box, and disconnect the regulator and 'full field' the alternator. You could plug lights and (supposedly) other AC/DC appliances into the box, and rev the engine up and get 110V out of the thing. You could run things like brush motors--maybe a drill or side head grinder, etc.
I'm sure these were not only hard on alternators, but a big dissapointment to customers who discovered that they would not run AC motors.