Yeah I was kinda mad the black wrinkle valve covers didn't fit. The edge of the valve cover was so thick it rubbed the back of the exhaust manifolds. I was so mad I tried one side and didn't even try the other side. I just boxed them up and took them back. I just think these original valve covers I have are just warped beyond saving no matter how much RTV or flattening you do to it. I just bought some decent chrome steel covers from Summit. When I last replaced the gaskets with the Ultra Seal and Copper RTV I threw out the bolts and added studs and nuts so it would be easier to put the gasket on. I didn't even start the engine up until a couple weeks after I did the gaskets. I did the cleanest installation I could because I didn't want to do it again. I did get the worst side to quit leaking, it doesn't leak at all. Just one side now. I want the absolute best gaskets you can get. The highest temp gaskets. I was going for these the Mopar Performance silicone gaskets:

Are those the best? Or what about these? Never heard of the company but they look like they would be the strongest: