
70cuda 383
I wish everyone thought like you, we'd get a better deal all round.
Some small traders are more accommodating than others.
I may just contact you in the future.

Anytime! Like I say, I live just a 20 minute drive from the Jegs warehouse. I can call their 1-800 number, tell them it's a willcall order, and pick anything up from their cataloge in 4 hours. and it's a 24 hour operation at the ware house, but the will-call window is only open from like 8-5, but you can call them at 7 when you wake up, puts around the house, then go pick it up by lunch time.

All I ask is that you cover whatever it costs me to buy the part and ship it...I wanna help you guys out, but I'm not loaded

I like the "gift" idea, I forgot about that one. it's your birthday soon, right?

**Photobucket sucks**