Looking forward to seeing BGR there! And thanks for all the support!

Rules and info are on the link:
4th Annual Steel City Practice Tree Shootout!

Or read everything here below:
Beat the winter blahs! Come out and enjoy a day filled with fierce competition on the tree. Don’t miss the event everyone is talking about until the first day of on track competition. The event will be at the New Alexandria Firemen's club, good space, easy to get to.

Date: Saturday, January 29, 2011
Time: Gates open at 11:30am, sign up, eat, racing starts at 12:30PM
Place: New Alexandria Fire Hall, 8370 State Route 22, New Alexandria PA 15670. (From the west, on the left side of 22 shortly after you pass Sheetz (you will pass it and make a left to circle back to it); from the east, on the right side of 22, shortly after you pass PRP)

Entry: Adults $5
Children 12 and under $3
Children 6 and under free
You don't have to race, but everyone coming through the door will have to pay the entry/cover charge. Our menu so far:
Fried chicken from Wal Mart
"Polish hamburgers", courtesy of Joe Fox Jr and Sr
Texas lasagna, courtesy of Linda Pollock
Iced tea, lemonade, punch, water. We will not be offering soda, but you are welcome to bring your own lunch, snacks, and/or beverages (cover charge WILL still apply), but no alcohol please. This is a family oriented event, and there will be kids present.

Email us (AJ Casini, Chuck Turocy, Mark Romeo) at steelcitydragrace@yahoo.com if you are going to attend, if you would like to sponsor, and/or if you want to show off your mad culinary skills. We need to keep a head count to know how much food to get.

Race 1 is $5 entry, race 2 is $20 entry.

All races will pay back to the quartefinals, and if the purse is great enough, we will pay back further.

Only race 2 will have buybacks, for $5. We are not looking to make a dime on this. All money will be paid back 100%. If there's anything left after expenses, it will be put into the racing.

* Round 1 in races 1 & 2 will consist of both racers hitting the tree twice as "time trials." Round 2 and on will have no time trials.
* All rounds with the exception of the final will be best of 3. Final round is best of 5.
* How to enter: "Tech cards" will be sold at the door. Buy your "tech card" for each race you want to enter. Write your name CLEARLY on the ticket you hand in. If you are double entering, write #1 after your name on the first entry, #2 on the second.
* Pairings will be randomly drawn.
* Bye runs will be randomly drawn at the beginning of each round.
* Racing is off of the handheld button only.
* Racing is off of the bottom bulb only.
* The tree is full sized, with LED bulbs.
* Tree will be in time trial mode, or, as if both racers have the exact same dial in.
* Rollout will be able to be set for each racer by adjusting the delay.
* The christmas tree decides all winners, ie, if 2 racers in competition have identical reaction times, the winner is the one whose lane is flashing on the tree.
* Double entries WILL be allowed in BOTH races!

Thanks to our sponsors so far for their most generous donations. Prizes will be awarded as both part of the Chinese auction and in the races (TBD). Please support those who support us:

* All Around Transportation Services/Limo Services LLC - 724-697-5466
* Dean Racing Engines
* E85 Carbs by AJ/ajcasiniracing@hotmail.com

We will be having a 50/50 drawing as well. 3 tickets for $1, an arm's length for $5, and a wingspan for $10. All money will be paid out, 60% to the winner, 40% to a second ticket.

We will be doing a Chinese raffle for most of the generous donations from our sponsors, as follows:
Each adult will be given 3 tickets. There will be a cup by each prize. You can choose which prize(s) you'd like to drop your ticket(s) in... you can drop all 3 in one, or spread them out.

Attendance list so far:

See pics from last year's race here:
3rd annual tree race pics