
I like that idea Clark and it may not be too late, well it may be too late to make Tulsa the first race because Mo-Kan's Mopar race is typically the 1st weekend in April but maybe we could get one added to Tulsa in April or May.

Maybe the point series could be extended to the Mopar race at Ennis, not meaning they would promote or run that race as I think it's already organized but you could earn points at it by round wins so all they would need is to get the result sheets.

And to make it more attractive for the guys in Texas, they could make it where you didn't have to attend every race. Something like they would have 6 races on the schedule and they only count your best 4. So if you go to all 6, you get more shots to have a good race but if you can only attend 4 your still in the running for the championship...

The challenge is stuff like this take work, time and commitments and things like this don't make the organizers much if any money so it's hard to make this work unless someone just wants to do it out of the goodness of their hearts... That's what Brad and Lexie have been doing for this series for the past 4 or 5 years.

Alot of good points and suggestions Wade. I hope they continue to grow their events and am able to put some coin in their pockets as well as upping the payouts.