

Looks like you made a good purchase there. Lots of accessories for sure. However you might look into a quieter generator, your racing neighbors will appreciate it also a vent to have the exhaust go aboove the traler would be nice for everyone. If you are gonna run it like it is in the cabinet I suggest a Carbon Monoxide detector for sure.

Can I make some sort of exhaust/muffler to vent it out and quiet it down?

yes...mine had the pipe going to the roof of the trailer attached to the front corner...was very quiet, it was an onan...I also have a generator like the one shown in yours and is very noisy...so im going to take one of the stock pipes that was on my wife's Harley Sportster and adapt it...those are quiet

you can go to a lawn mower shop..they make quiet mufflers that are on the big riders that are quiet