
hi guys i just tried to change my window regulator on the dirvers door on my 68 coronet,the reason i changed it was because it wouldnt rool up , so i pulled the old one out and put the new one in and then i noticed a few things , besides now i noticed where my rattles and other odd noises are comming from but 1 where is the up stop located ? 2 i tried to adjust the nut with threaded screw in center and it aint doing anyhting, 3, where can i get window hardware from like a complete set up clips screws and accodring to the book which i glansed at a gasket that goes in the metal part attached to the window ( which some [Email]a@#[/Email] $%^&% put a bolt and nut through im surprised the dam window didnt break all these years ) and some odd looking bracket thing attached or use to be attached to the foward window track at the bottom , can anyone help me out i been going crazy last few days trying to mess with this thing and now i need to come to you guys here the experts

despretely need help here going nuts

Your best best for obscure window regulator parts is Tom Race and R/T Specialties. I rebuilt my Chalenger regulators last year and found he had the obscure bits that no one else did.


So, are you really a Rocket Scientist?