if ya go cable use the boushlin sp? set up its a lot better and it uses the cable off late modal trucks

you need to adust the lever down on the tranny and get the shift points where ya want it to shift

if you made the rod longer the lever needs readjusted

some push the rod all the way foward against the carb and push the lever all the way foward at the tranny

some hold the carb wide open and adjust the rod at the tranny all the way back

that would make it do what you describe, so move the lever on the tranny foward a little and its sould shift a little early-er

test and adjust till ya get it where you like it,or like it was

it will take some play to find a happy medeum, with the shift some times when moding the linkage

I say set it all the way foward to start and keep moveing the lever at the tranny back till you get the up shift were ya like it

that linkage at the carb need a spring to pull it tight to the carb and moves when the carb moves

your on the right track IMO,just needs some more tweeking