

Does this sound like a bad voltage regulator?

Yes. I just had one ('70 up flat VR) suddenly start pegging as soon as I gave it throttle. Checked it's ground w a jumper wire w alligator clips/no change. R&R'd it & back to good. EDIT I would deal w it ASAP before it burns some wiring/connections & I'd unplug it rather than let it overcharge 'till you get it

So unplugging the VR will result in a no-charge state? Or just the standard 12.5-13V charge?

I'll take your guys word for it and slap a new voltage regulator on there. Like I said, I have no way of knowing that the one on there now is good. Although, I have no way of knowing that the foreign-made one I buy from Checker will be good either....

I'll keep my fingers crossed