I did a search and didn't see this, But when putting it back together does the LCA need to be in a certain position, such as with the t-bar adjusted, before you tighten the nut holding it in the K-frame? Using Moog rubber bushing and not poly, so don't want to put too much twist on the rubber since the pressed-in rubber ones supposedly don't rotate like the poly ones or does it make any difference?
I put this job off for several years because of all the internet hype and posts about removing the lower bushing sleeve- And it was a non-event. Removed the shaft with a piece of 2-inch pipe and some washers like mentioned in previous posts, pulled out the rubber,then cut a groove straight up the inside of the outer sleeve with a 1/4 die-grinder with a 1/4 inch steel bit. Only took a few minutes and hard to cut too deep because a feather edge appears when you are just barely cutting through. Then just tap it out with a small punch- If you cut a groove on each side the 2 halves would just fall out...