
Thanks for the answers. I have a few quick clarifying questions.

BTDC is advanced timing right?
ATDC is ? timeing

is initial timing the timing at the warmed up "curb" idle?

What is and how do I check total timing? is that just reving the engine to 3000 and checking the timing?

I didn't know that timing changed with rpm. if so that must be why adjusting the curb idle first is important.

"dieseling on hot days" is that where the car continues to run even after turning it off? I thought that was a sign of a vacuum leak though of course more than one thing can be a cause just confirming my old logic.

Before Top Dead Center BTDC

Dieseling is running on a few seconds after you shut off the key

Intial timing is the timing you are setting while idling warm.

Yes the timing changes while its running. Through your vaccum advance and internal mechanical weights. If your unfamiliar or uncomfortable checking total timing just set the intial timing at 10 degrees BTDC(which is what the timing tabs on the engine are marked in)like normal and keep increasing it a degree at a time till you reach a sweet spot for your application. Of course after each adjustment you need to drive it awhile to see how it does on the road not just idling in the driveway. Or set it at 10 to 15 degrees BTDC and forget about it you'll be close enough.