Phil.... slow down. You need a plan. Some of the above advice is pure bovine excrement.
I have striped an AAR, and other mopars.
The soap and water works, but I have had better success with a weak solution of WINDEX (not Glass Plus) By weak I mean about 1 part windex to 2 parts the spray bottle. You WANT it wet, it allows EXACT placement.
Make sure the paint surface is very clean. Any dust nibs in the paint sould have alread been removed. Obviously wax free.
The AAR stripe comes in three pieces per side. You begin with the door. BEFORE you peal off the adhesive backing center the handle opening over the door handle (shown very well by the excellent photos above!) and measure the drop at the front of the door. I am sorry but I don't have the spec but there IS a factory distance from the shoulder door line and the top of the stripe--if you can't get it , then figure out what pleases you and make a reference mark or better yet write the distance down so you can measure as you go. Obviously the front fender stripe BEGINS with your choice of placement here so take that into account. BUT, its possible and desireable to incorporate the door to fender gaps into the stripe so that the actual segment that spans the gap ends up being the same width! Understand that! You will be pleased with the result! The front fender begins where the door ends and proceeds to the front where again there is a factory spec but this distance is really up to personal preference IF you don't use the spec. I prefer the tip to be about equidistant from top fender line to the beltline--do what you like, or factory--I have seen a LOT of variance.
The rear Is the same as the front, again with a fatory spec for the rear of the top edge of the stripe to the rear quarter line, just know what you want BEFORE you peal off the backing and get things wet.
Once you know your desired placement, begin with the door, use a squegee, bondo spreaders work great. Get things wet, it will allow you to move things around a bit. Be gentle. Once satistied with position start squeegeeing out water from the center out (not real critical with an AAR cuz the area of each segment is small) be gentle till you're sure its not moving anymore and then using increasing firmness. The whole time you are doing this the cover/facing paper is still on the stipe of course. Again...door first...THEN the fenders.
When you are done, (you're not DONE of course) LET IT DRY overnight. I suppose it temps are high and you're on a schedule you could do it later the same day, but overnight is good. THEN carefully peal off the facing paper. There should be NO lifting. MAke sure edges at the door are wrapped nicely. Admire your work. Be proud. Looks freakin nice doesn't it?