Dwayne was the first person I called when I was building my new engine. ( 4 yrs ago) Told me how and all that I needed to do on the phone. Sent him my 906's, bought his cam and some other things that I could throw his way.

I called him from the track also, the first time out. Giggling like a school girl that had her dress lifted by the wind.
"WoW, Dwayne you were so right."

3 years later, I called him to talk roller cams. He laughed at me and said, "are you unhappy with the way the car runs?" Me, No.

"Then why F with it. Just run the snot out of it.
You can't go any faster then you are for the class your running any way."

And here I was going to buy all the roller stuff from him. He talked me right out of a sale for him.

That speaks BIG in my book.