
I have 2 questions about welding to make sure this is the last time I see this steel for a long time...

Question 1: I have heard that welds are prone to rusting under paint. Is there something I should put over my welds before I prime over them?

Question 2: Is there a product I can put over my (butt) weld seams incase I miss any pinholes that will prevent moisture from coming through and bubbling the bondo, primer & paint above?

Thanks as always!!!

1. Your welds will rust through if they are not dressed properly after welding. Grind them smooth and/or sand blasting will cure this...

2. As for the pinholes. the best way is to put a light behind the panel and turn off the lights in the garage.... Use your MIG to fill any pinholes and then grind/sandblast before priming.

Spray it with 2 coats of epoxy primer after this is finished. Then do any necessary filler work..

Just my