



That's a Nice Rampage you got there Mr.P. Will you be towing a small trailer when you do drag week or will you have enough room for your extras in the truck ?

In a couple of weeks or so I'll build a trailer...
there's no bed anymore... that's filled.... the cap
that was on it will be the top of the trailer with
a couple of hatch type cylinders to open it... the
trailer will only be about 3' tall

That's a neat Idea for a trailer, I can't wait for Billy, D.j. and your Drag week Road reports

I'm not going this year... didnt know if I would be
ready in time so I didnt register and now its full
so I'll be there next year with my buddy in his 52
ford PU... he won his class the 2 years I went with him

You can still get on the waiting list man. Hit up Hot Rod because you never know...

https://www.facebook.com/dusterdj572 Check out my race page and like please.