no adjustment for slipping front clutches

if thats whats slipping

got a spare yet?

I went to Macon Ga. to get a 71 long tail shaft BB727 for a a999 hs/lu swap

how far is the band adjustment showing above the shift lever on it?

if its not a lot,that band has most likly been used up some with adjustments

the more threds showing the better

still if the clutches are toast no adjustment

how does the fluid smell? burnt? dark color?

leaks and low on fluid?

found a spare yet?

dont know much about them,but have changed a lot of them in just about every thing that had them, since I was 16 and

good luck with it

good times are when they are "used" and work

but i have changed a couple 2x cause they looked good "used" sitting on some shop floor and no worky..