I notice you still have the choke linkage on the secondary carb, ditch it, you don't need it there. I also pulled all the linkage that works off it to make sure they didn't affect the tune. You'll have to pull all that aircleaner stuff off there to adjust the idle circuits. On my secondary carb I have the idle screws turned all the way in so they don't affect the idle. Make sure the blades on the primary side of the secondary carb are completely closed. On mine I use the first hole (closest to the plunger) on the accelerator pump, and the second or middle hole on the secondary carb, it works for me. On the secondary carb make sure to plug the powerbrake vacuum hole at the back, I plug the vacuum lines on the front of the primary carb and use the vacuum ports on the secondary carb dizzy or whatever (I have a vacuum gage running off there). I run my power brake vacuum off the primary carb. I also have a fuel pressure gage mounted on my fuel lines to the carbs. Mine like between 5.5 an 6 lbs pressure. I also rin the .110 needle and seats in both carbs fed by a 1/2 inch fuel line with a return to tank line off the fuel filter (like the Hemi's came with). The 02 sensor is a great tuning aid, just takes time to get it all together. Hope that helps.