It has been awhile since I rebuilt my Charger's brake but I want to say I didn't use the spring either. If you use some of the sticky stuff on the back of the pads, that should keep them off the rotors so you won't need the spring to push them away.

As nacho said, they are not a bad idea though. I don't have my car at my premises right now so I can't tell you exactly how the spring works. If it's like newer cars and shaped sort of like a 2-sided triangle, it should have each end "push" the pads apart so they don't rest on the rotor. I want to say (from memory) the pads will have two little notches where the ends of the spring will sit.

See if this makes sense. As I said, it's been awhile since I did this on my 73 Charger. I don't think I used the springs and they are a part that often gets lost over the years and not used....take a picute and I'll see if I recognize them.