I had a good time there... I got there Friday about
12:30 to get in line outside the gate... BSing with
old friends till 2:00 when they opened the gates, got
a spot and set up shop... Doug my driver was about 15
rigs behind me in line so he and his dad pulled in next
to me... we teched in for the whole weekend and got
ready to make some test and tune passes... all went perfect
Saturday was hot and humid, made our test passes
in both 10.0 and pro.... qualifying #2 for 10.0...
the only thing I forgot about was that Saturday
and Sunday were 2 separate races so that was another
$35 (for Sunday race)but being that we lost early
on Sunday (1 test run and then into elims)I ended
up making some lunch then loading up my gear and got
out before the rain came... all in all it was a pretty
good weekend.... HOT but still a good weekend...
seeing old friends... getting back out racing
(well I was the crew chief) but still fun