Hey all, my friend Jon is building a 440; asked me a question that I thought I'd put out for the engine builders out there.

He's thinking of cutting a hole in the web between the L and R bank lifter bores at the rear of the block to provide a place for oil to drain that gets piled up there under acceleration.

Engine in question is stock stroke, steel rod 440; probably run around 6K RPM, baffled stock pan w/ windage tray.

My personal opinion is that he won't collect more than several ounces in that area under acceleration, and that it won't really make much difference. However, I like the idea of some small holes in the webbing at the bottom of the lifter valley, to allow oil to driop on ALL the cam lobes (Jon's going to start with a hydraulic flat tappet; may or may not ever upgrade from that).

Have guys ever got into trouble cutting in this area on an OE block?

Anybody got any suggestions?


Seduce the attractive, and charm the rest. ****** 489 C.I.D., roller cam, aftermarket heads, tunnel ram, stock '54 Dodge rear axle assembly: which of these doesn't belong?