
Stage 3 is only way to go. it is not hard to steer even with wide front tires. Firm Feel seems to want to talk you into a stage 2 for some reason. Maybe they are easier for them? Only complaint I have is that it leaked and I had to sent it back.

No, that's not it. I recently contacted them and expressed my discontent with my Stage 2 box and they gladly took it back years after the purchase and swapped it to a stage 3 for a small fee (the box was out of the car for an unrelated reason anyway).

I talked to Dick at length about this issue and I believe he was being very sincere when he told me they have absolutely no vested interest in a Stage 2 over a Stage 3 - same amount of work, same cost, they build to order so there are no stocked shelves of Stage 2 boxes. He said he tends to be conservative because people are all over the place regarding what they think is "firm". Stage 3 is as firm as they offer. I can sympathize.

Those guys are stand up dudes.

BTW, they now offer a machining service to ensure that certain boxes with certain design flaws will not leak. I can't remember how to relay the specifics to you since it didn't apply to my box, but the cost is $45 and it has to be worthwhile.